Thursday, November 14, 2013

week 7 EOC: the pitch

            Blackfoxx canned fruits, this is my idea that can help the world. Half proceeds get  donated to a charity that helps out in other countries, and the best part is you can pick where you want it to go and which charity from a large list of charities. but why will people buy this product, well there is a couple reasons. 1- Its all organic, from the fruit to the sweetener. no artificial sweeteners. 2- a lovable character known as Travis Blackfoxx (two X's are on purpose) who is an animated black furred fox that has the same position as "Tony the tiger" when that character is promoting "frosted flakes" and kids will see this and like the character and want their parents to by the product. the parent seeing that a child wants a healthy choice will add to the popularity of the product. 3. If you buy a can a can gets sent to a charity of the buyers choice and from there it gets used in whatever country that the buyer would like it to go. I feel that if you sell this product for $2 maybe $3 a can then it will be a successful product and possibly help change the world. A motto we can have is "Buy a can, Get a can, Give a can". Also with the animated fox character can make children in foreign countries a little bit happier being able to see a cartoon like figure on a can. This will hopefully help them through the experience and if he/she gets bored they can kick the can around.

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